Job Duties Custom List 11-1011.00 — Chief Executives
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses involved with buying or selling investment products or financial services.
Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV
- Manage investment funds to maximize return on client investments.
- Select specific investments or investment mixes for purchase by an investment fund.
- Select or direct the execution of trades.
- Direct activities of accounting or operations departments.
- Monitor financial or operational performance of individual investments to ensure portfolios meet risk goals.
- Develop or implement fund investment policies or strategies.
- Perform or evaluate research, such as detailed company or industry analyses, to inform financial forecasting, decision making, or valuation.
- Present investment information, such as product risks, fees, or fund performance statistics.
- Develop, implement, or monitor security valuation policies.
- Meet with investors to determine investment goals or to discuss investment strategies.
- Attend investment briefings or consult financial media to stay abreast of relevant investment markets.
- Prepare for and respond to regulatory inquiries.
- Evaluate the potential of new product developments or market opportunities, according to factors such as business plans, technologies, or market potential.
- Hire or evaluate staff.
- Monitor regulatory or tax law changes to ensure fund compliance or to capitalize on development opportunities.
- Develop or direct development of offering documents or marketing materials.
- Analyze acquisitions to ensure conformance with strategic goals or regulatory requirements.
- Verify regulatory compliance of transaction reporting.
- Review offering documents or marketing materials to ensure regulatory compliance.
- Identify group or individual target investors for a specific fund.
- Manage investment funds to maximize return on client investments.
- Select specific investments or investment mixes for purchase by an investment fund.
- Select or direct the execution of trades.
- Direct activities of accounting or operations departments.
- Delegate authority for the receipt, disbursement, banking, protection, and custody of funds, securities, and financial instruments.
- Coordinate and direct the financial planning, budgeting, procurement, or investment activities of all or part of an organization.
- Prepare or direct preparation of financial statements, business activity reports, financial position forecasts, annual budgets, or reports required by regulatory agencies.
- Handle all aspects of employee insurance, benefits, and casualty programs, including monitoring changes in health insurance regulations and creating budgets for benefits and worker's compensation.
- Evaluate needs for procurement of funds and investment of surpluses and make appropriate recommendations.
- Develop and maintain relationships with banking, insurance, and external accounting personnel to facilitate financial activities.
- Monitor financial activities and details, such as cash flow and reserve levels, to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met.
- Receive, record, and authorize requests for disbursements in accordance with company policies and procedures.
- Develop internal control policies, guidelines, and procedures for activities, such as budget administration, cash and credit management, and accounting.
- Receive cash and checks and make deposits.
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of accounting and other financial staff, recommending and implementing personnel actions, such as promotions and dismissals.
- Analyze the financial details of past, present, and expected operations to identify development opportunities and areas where improvement is needed.
- Conduct or coordinate audits of company accounts and financial transactions to ensure compliance with state and federal requirements and statutes.
- Advise management on short-term and long-term financial objectives, policies, and actions.
- Maintain current knowledge of organizational policies and procedures, federal and state policies and directives, and current accounting standards.
- Provide direction and assistance to other organizational units regarding accounting and budgeting policies and procedures and efficient control and utilization of financial resources.
- Lead staff training and development in budgeting and financial management areas.
- Prepare and file annual tax returns or prepare financial information so that outside accountants can complete tax returns.
- Supervise employees performing financial reporting, accounting, billing, collections, payroll, and budgeting duties.
- Perform tax planning work.
- Compute, withhold, and account for all payroll deductions.
- Determine depreciation rates to apply to capitalized items and advise management on actions regarding the purchase, lease, or disposal of such items.
- Delegate authority for the receipt, disbursement, banking, protection, and custody of funds, securities, and financial instruments.
- Coordinate and direct the financial planning, budgeting, procurement, or investment activities of all or part of an organization.
- Prepare or direct preparation of financial statements, business activity reports, financial position forecasts, annual budgets, or reports required by regulatory agencies.
- Handle all aspects of employee insurance, benefits, and casualty programs, including monitoring changes in health insurance regulations and creating budgets for benefits and worker's compensation.
- Direct or coordinate an organization's financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Coordinate the development or implementation of budgetary control systems, recordkeeping systems, or other administrative control processes.
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses involved with buying or selling investment products or financial services.
- Prepare budgets for approval, including those for funding or implementation of programs.
- Confer with board members, organization officials, or staff members to discuss issues, coordinate activities, or resolve problems.
- Direct, plan, or implement policies, objectives, or activities of organizations or businesses to ensure continuing operations, to maximize returns on investments, or to increase productivity.
- Prepare or present reports concerning activities, expenses, budgets, government statutes or rulings, or other items affecting businesses or program services.
- Implement corrective action plans to solve organizational or departmental problems.
- Analyze operations to evaluate performance of a company or its staff in meeting objectives or to determine areas of potential cost reduction, program improvement, or policy change.
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
- Direct human resources activities, including the approval of human resource plans or activities, the selection of directors or other high-level staff, or establishment or organization of major departments.
- Appoint department heads or managers and assign or delegate responsibilities to them.
- Interpret and explain policies, rules, regulations, or laws to organizations, government or corporate officials, or individuals.
- Review reports submitted by staff members to recommend approval or to suggest changes.
- Negotiate or approve contracts or agreements with suppliers, distributors, federal or state agencies, or other organizational entities.
- Establish departmental responsibilities and coordinate functions among departments and sites.
- Deliver speeches, write articles, or present information at meetings or conventions to promote services, exchange ideas, or accomplish objectives.
- Serve as liaisons between organizations, shareholders, and outside organizations.
- Preside over, or serve on, boards of directors, management committees, or other governing boards.
- Attend and participate in meetings of municipal councils or council committees.
- Organize or approve promotional campaigns.
- Nominate citizens to boards or commissions.
- Conduct or direct investigations or hearings to resolve complaints or violations of laws, or testify at such hearings.
- Prepare bylaws approved by elected officials, and ensure that bylaws are enforced.
- Make presentations to legislative or other government committees regarding policies, programs, or budgets.
- Review and analyze legislation, laws, or public policy and recommend changes to promote or support interests of the general population or special groups.
- Direct non-merchandising departments, such as advertising, purchasing, credit, or accounting.
- Refer major policy matters to elected representatives for final decisions.
- Direct or conduct studies or research on issues affecting areas of responsibility.
- Administer programs for selection of sites, construction of buildings, or provision of equipment or supplies.
- Represent organizations or promote their objectives at official functions, or delegate representatives to do so.
- Direct or coordinate an organization's financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Coordinate the development or implementation of budgetary control systems, recordkeeping systems, or other administrative control processes.
- Direct or coordinate activities of businesses involved with buying or selling investment products or financial services.
- Prepare budgets for approval, including those for funding or implementation of programs.
- Plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of workers in branches, offices, or departments of establishments, such as branch banks, brokerage firms, risk and insurance departments, or credit departments.
- Approve, reject, or coordinate the approval or rejection of lines of credit or commercial, real estate, or personal loans.
- Establish and maintain relationships with individual or business customers or provide assistance with problems these customers may encounter.
- Oversee the flow of cash or financial instruments.
- Recruit staff members.
- Evaluate data pertaining to costs to plan budgets.
- Oversee training programs.
- Establish procedures for custody or control of assets, records, loan collateral, or securities to ensure safekeeping.
- Communicate with stockholders or other investors to provide information or to raise capital.
- Develop or analyze information to assess the current or future financial status of firms.
- Prepare financial or regulatory reports required by laws, regulations, or boards of directors.
- Examine, evaluate, or process loan applications.
- Evaluate financial reporting systems, accounting or collection procedures, or investment activities and make recommendations for changes to procedures, operating systems, budgets, or other financial control functions.
- Network within communities to find and attract new business.
- Prepare operational or risk reports for management analysis.
- Review collection reports to determine the status of collections and the amounts of outstanding balances.
- Review reports of securities transactions or price lists to analyze market conditions.
- Plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of workers in branches, offices, or departments of establishments, such as branch banks, brokerage firms, risk and insurance departments, or credit departments.
- Approve, reject, or coordinate the approval or rejection of lines of credit or commercial, real estate, or personal loans.
- Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.
- Prepare budgets and submit estimates for program costs as part of campaign plan development.
- Track program budgets, expenses, and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign, based on program objectives and industry norms.
- Plan and prepare advertising and promotional material to increase sales of products or services, working with customers, company officials, sales departments, and advertising agencies.
- Inspect layouts and advertising copy, and edit scripts, audio, video, and other promotional material for adherence to specifications.
- Confer with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as contracts, selection of advertising media, or product to be advertised.
- Coordinate with the media to disseminate advertising.
- Plan and execute advertising policies and strategies for organizations.
- Direct, motivate, and monitor the mobilization of a campaign team to advance campaign goals.
- Contact organizations to explain services and facilities offered.
- Monitor and analyze sales promotion results to determine cost effectiveness of promotion campaigns.
- Identify and develop contacts for promotional campaigns and industry programs that meet identified buyer targets, such as dealers, distributors, or consumers.
- Read trade journals and professional literature to stay informed on trends, innovations, and changes that affect media planning.
- Manage sales team, including setting goals, providing incentives, and evaluating employee performance.
- Prepare and negotiate advertising and sales contracts.
- Formulate plans to extend business with established accounts and to transact business as agent for advertising accounts.
- Train and direct workers engaged in developing and producing advertisements.
- Assemble and communicate with a strong, diverse coalition of organizations or public figures, securing their cooperation, support, and action, to further campaign goals.
- Provide presentation and product demonstration support during the introduction of new products and services to field staff and customers.
- Represent company at trade association meetings to promote products.
- Direct and coordinate product research and development.
- Analyze marketing or sales trends to forecast future conditions.
- Analyze the effectiveness of marketing tactics or channels.
- Attend or participate in conferences, community events, and promotional events related to products or technologies.
- Conduct research on consumer opinions and buying habits, and identify target audiences for products, services, or technologies.
- Coordinate with marketing team members, graphic artists, and other workers to develop and implement marketing programs.
- Develop communications materials, advertisements, presentations, or public relations initiatives to promote awareness of products and services.
- Develop comprehensive marketing strategies, using knowledge of products and technologies, markets, and regulations.
- Devise or evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, and questionnaires.
- Maintain portfolios of marketing campaigns, strategies, and other marketing products or ideas.
- Coordinate activities of departments, such as sales, graphic arts, media, finance, and research.
- Prepare budgets and submit estimates for program costs as part of campaign plan development.
- Track program budgets, expenses, and campaign response rates to evaluate each campaign, based on program objectives and industry norms.
- Establish goals for soliciting funds, develop policies for collection and safeguarding of contributions, and coordinate disbursement of funds.
- Manage fundraising budgets.
- Assign, supervise, and review the activities of fundraising staff.
- Compile or develop materials to submit to granting or other funding organizations.
- Conduct research to identify the goals, net worth, charitable donation history, or other data related to potential donors, potential investors, or general donor markets.
- Contact corporate representatives, government officials, or community leaders to increase awareness of organizational causes, activities, or needs.
- Design and edit promotional publications, such as brochures.
- Develop fundraising activity plans that maximize participation or contributions and minimize costs.
- Develop strategies to encourage new or increased contributions.
- Direct activities of external agencies, establishments, or departments that develop and implement fundraising strategies and programs.
- Establish and maintain effective working relationships with clients, government officials, and media representatives and use these relationships to develop new fundraising opportunities.
- Evaluate advertising and promotion programs for compatibility with fundraising efforts.
- Formulate policies and procedures related to fundraising programs.
- Plan and direct special events for fundraising, such as silent auctions, dances, golf events, or walks.
- Produce films and other video products, regulate their distribution, and operate film library.
- Write interesting and effective press releases, prepare information for media kits, and develop and maintain company internet or intranet Web pages.
- Establish goals for soliciting funds, develop policies for collection and safeguarding of contributions, and coordinate disbursement of funds.
- Manage fundraising budgets.
- Administer online purchasing systems.
- Control purchasing department budgets.
- Develop and implement purchasing and contract management instructions, policies, and procedures.
- Locate vendors of materials, equipment or supplies, and interview them to determine product availability and terms of sales.
- Prepare bid awards requiring board approval.
- Direct and coordinate activities of personnel engaged in buying, selling, and distributing materials, equipment, machinery, and supplies.
- Review purchase order claims and contracts for conformance to company policy.
- Review, evaluate, and approve specifications for issuing and awarding bids.
- Prepare and process requisitions and purchase orders for supplies and equipment.
- Interview and hire staff, and oversee staff training.
- Develop cost reduction strategies and savings plans.
- Resolve vendor or contractor grievances and claims against suppliers.
- Analyze market and delivery systems to assess present and future material availability.
- Participate in the development of specifications for equipment, products, or substitute materials.
- Maintain records of goods ordered and received.
- Represent companies in negotiating contracts and formulating policies with suppliers.
- Prepare reports regarding market conditions and merchandise costs.
- Arrange for disposal of surplus materials.
- Administer online purchasing systems.
- Control purchasing department budgets.
- Direct collection of monthly assessments, rental fees, and deposits and payment of insurance premiums, mortgage, taxes, and incurred operating expenses.
- Prepare detailed budgets and financial reports for properties.
- Manage and oversee operations, maintenance, administration, and improvement of commercial, industrial, or residential properties.
- Plan, schedule, and coordinate general maintenance, major repairs, and remodeling or construction projects for commercial or residential properties.
- Meet with clients to negotiate management and service contracts, determine priorities, and discuss the financial and operational status of properties.
- Direct and coordinate the activities of staff and contract personnel and evaluate their performance.
- Prepare and administer contracts for provision of property services, such as cleaning, maintenance, and security services.
- Market vacant space to prospective tenants through leasing agents, advertising, or other methods.
- Act as liaisons between on-site managers or tenants and owners.
- Investigate complaints, disturbances, and violations and resolve problems, following management rules and regulations.
- Inspect grounds, facilities, and equipment routinely to determine necessity of repairs or maintenance.
- Maintain records of sales, rental or usage activity, special permits issued, maintenance and operating costs, or property availability.
- Meet with boards of directors and committees to discuss and resolve legal and environmental issues or disputes between neighbors.
- Solicit and analyze bids from contractors for repairs, renovations, and maintenance.
- Maintain contact with insurance carriers, fire and police departments, and other agencies to ensure protection and compliance with codes and regulations.
- Confer with legal authorities to ensure that renting and advertising practices are not discriminatory and that properties comply with state and federal regulations.
- Purchase building and maintenance supplies, equipment, or furniture.
- Review rents to ensure that they are in line with rental markets.
- Clean common areas, change light bulbs, and make minor property repairs.
- Determine and certify the eligibility of prospective tenants, following government regulations.
- Confer regularly with community association members to ensure their needs are being met.
- Meet with prospective tenants to show properties, explain terms of occupancy, and provide information about local areas.
- Analyze information on property values, taxes, zoning, population growth, and traffic volume and patterns to determine if properties should be acquired.
- Negotiate the sale, lease, or development of property and complete or review appropriate documents and forms.
- Contract with architectural firms to draw up detailed plans for new structures.
- Negotiate short- and long-term loans to finance construction and ownership of structures.
- Negotiate with government leaders, businesses, special interest representatives, and utility companies to gain support for new projects and to eliminate potential obstacles.
- Direct collection of monthly assessments, rental fees, and deposits and payment of insurance premiums, mortgage, taxes, and incurred operating expenses.
- Prepare detailed budgets and financial reports for properties.
- Direct or coordinate financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Review financial statements, sales or activity reports, or other performance data to measure productivity or goal achievement or to identify areas needing cost reduction or program improvement.
- Direct and coordinate activities of businesses or departments concerned with the production, pricing, sales, or distribution of products.
- Direct administrative activities directly related to making products or providing services.
- Prepare staff work schedules and assign specific duties.
- Plan or direct activities, such as sales promotions, that require coordination with other department managers.
- Perform personnel functions, such as selection, training, or evaluation.
- Establish or implement departmental policies, goals, objectives, or procedures in conjunction with board members, organization officials, or staff members.
- Monitor suppliers to ensure that they efficiently and effectively provide needed goods or services within budgetary limits.
- Manage the movement of goods into and out of production facilities to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, or sustainability of operations.
- Set prices or credit terms for goods or services, based on forecasts of customer demand.
- Perform sales floor work, such as greeting or assisting customers, stocking shelves, or taking inventory.
- Develop or implement product-marketing strategies, including advertising campaigns or sales promotions.
- Direct non-merchandising departments of businesses, such as advertising or purchasing.
- Implement or oversee environmental management or sustainability programs addressing issues such as recycling, conservation, or waste management.
- Plan store layouts or design displays.
- Recommend locations for new facilities, or oversee the remodeling or renovating of current facilities.
- Direct or coordinate financial or budget activities to fund operations, maximize investments, or increase efficiency.
- Conduct and administer fiscal operations, including accounting, planning budgets, authorizing expenditures, establishing rates for services, and coordinating financial reporting.
- Direct, supervise and evaluate work activities of medical, nursing, technical, clerical, service, maintenance, and other personnel.
- Develop and maintain computerized record management systems to store and process data, such as personnel activities and information, and to produce reports.
- Plan, implement, and administer programs and services in a health care or medical facility, including personnel administration, training, and coordination of medical, nursing and physical plant staff.
- Maintain awareness of advances in medicine, computerized diagnostic and treatment equipment, data processing technology, government regulations, health insurance changes, and financing options.
- Establish work schedules and assignments for staff, according to workload, space, and equipment availability.
- Monitor the use of diagnostic services, inpatient beds, facilities, and staff to ensure effective use of resources and assess the need for additional staff, equipment, and services.
- Direct or conduct recruitment, hiring, and training of personnel.
- Manage change in integrated health care delivery systems, such as work restructuring, technological innovations, and shifts in the focus of care.
- Maintain communication between governing boards, medical staff, and department heads by attending board meetings and coordinating interdepartmental functioning.
- Establish objectives and evaluative or operational criteria for units managed.
- Develop and implement organizational policies and procedures for the facility or medical unit.
- Review and analyze facility activities and data to aid planning and cash and risk management and to improve service utilization.
- Prepare activity reports to inform management of the status and implementation plans of programs, services, and quality initiatives.
- Develop or expand and implement medical programs or health services that promote research, rehabilitation, and community health.
- Consult with medical, business, and community groups to discuss service problems, respond to community needs, enhance public relations, coordinate activities and plans, and promote health programs.
- Develop instructional materials and conduct in-service and community-based educational programs.
- Inspect facilities and recommend building or equipment modifications to ensure emergency readiness and compliance to access, safety, and sanitation regulations.
- Conduct and administer fiscal operations, including accounting, planning budgets, authorizing expenditures, establishing rates for services, and coordinating financial reporting.